Our Story

The idea for EvanTree came about over 10 years ago, although I didn’t realise it at the time. At the ripe old age of 19 I contracted the chicken pox. I went from having skin that I could slap almost any product on without issue; to a lot of products burning and stinging. My new found sensitivity lead me on a quest to create my own products that I wouldn’t react to. I started out making oatmeal face masks & sugar salt scrubs. As the years progressed and my interest was piqued, I started making more complex formulations. Learning all I could about essential oils & extracts and how they could best benefit the skin. But it wasn’t until I had my children and I had the “what should I do with my life now” moment that a lot of mums have (at least I think they do, don’t hold me to that) that EvanTree really became a concept. So with the encouragement of my family & friends here we are today. I hope you love all my products as much as I do.